Mapnik Generative AI workflow: Processing

Alexander Dunkel, Madalina Gugulica, Institute of Cartography, TU Dresden

No description has been provided for this image

Last updated: Oct-18-2023, Carto-Lab Docker Version 0.15.7

Mapnik rendering based on stable diffusion generative AI and social media data.

This notebook is a continuation from the previous notebook (01_mapnik_generativeai.html).

Prepare environment

List of package versions used in this notebook
package python Fiona Shapely bokeh colorcet geopandas geoviews holoviews hvplot ipywidgets
version 3.9.15 1.8.20 1.7.1 2.4.3 3.0.1 0.13.2 1.9.5 1.14.8 0.8.4 8.0.7
package mapclassify matplotlib matplotlib-venn numpy pandas python-dotenv xarray
version 2.5.0 3.7.1 0.11.9 1.22.4 2.1.0 1.0.0 2023.8.0

Load base dependencies:

In [8]:
import os, sys
import re
import random
import shutil
import geopandas as gp
import pandas as pd
import geopandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import rasterio as rio
from pathlib import Path
from rasterio.plot import show

Install temporary package rembg

In [9]:
!../py/modules/base/ "rembg"
rembg already installed.

Import every cell from the previous notebook, except those tagged with active-ipynb. This will make all variables and methods from the previous notebook available in the current runtime, so we can continue where we left.

In [13]:
module_path = str(Path.cwd().parents[0] / "py")
if module_path not in sys.path:
from modules.base import raster
from _02_generativeai import *

Symlink font folder

In [14]:
!rm /fonts && ln -s {TMP}/fonts /fonts

Symlink remove white background model:

In [15]:
!ln -s {OUTPUT}/isnet-general-use.onnx /root/.u2net/isnet-general-use.onnx 2> /dev/null

Create new directories

In [179]:
dlist = [
    (OUTPUT / "images_gis"),
    (OUTPUT / "img2img"),
    (INPUT / "cluster_img"),
    (INPUT / "cluster_img_tags"),
for folder in dlist:
    folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

Activate autoreload of changed python files:

In [16]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2


In [17]:
    "white background,simple outline,masterpiece,best quality,high quality," \
    "(bad-artist:1),(worst quality, low quality:1.4),lowres,bad anatomy,bad hands," \
    "((text)),(watermark),error,missing fingers,extra digit,fewer digits,cropped,worst quality," \
    "low quality,normal quality,((username)),blurry,(extra limbs),bad-artist-anime," \
    "(three hands:1.6),(three legs:1.2),(more than two hands:1.4),(more than two legs,:1.2)," \
    "label,(isometric), (square)"

Set global SD-settings

In [18]:
payload = {
    "CLIP_stop_at_last_layers": 1,
}'{APIURL}/sdapi/v1/options', json=payload)
<Response [200]>

Have a look at our per-job basis settings, loaded from the last notebook:

In [19]:
{'steps': 20, 'batch_size': 4, 'sampler_name': 'DPM++ 2M SDE Exponential'}

For this notebook, increase steps to 28

In [20]:
SD_CONFIG["steps"] = 28

Test image generation for tags and emoji

The next step is to process social media metadata (tags, emoji) in descending importance (cluster-size), generate images for clusters, and place images on the map, according to the center of gravity for the cluster shape from tagmaps package.

Test API for selected tags

In [21]:
PROMPT = "(Grosser Garten, Palais, Nature)"
In [22]:
output_name = "test_image_palais_default"
    "prompt": concat_prompt(PROMPT),
    "negative_prompt": BASE_PROMPT_NEG,
    "save_name": output_name,
    "sd_config": SD_CONFIG,
    "show": False
    "resize":(350, 350),
    "figsize":(22, 60),
In [23]:
if not (OUTPUT / "images" / f'{output_name}.png').exists():
In [24]:
imgs = list((OUTPUT / "images").glob(f'{output_name}*'))
tools.image_grid(imgs, **DKWARGS)
No description has been provided for this image

We have to think about a way to better incorporate these square images in the map. Maybe if we add A thought bubble of to our prompt?

In [25]:
def generate_samples(
        prompt: str, save_name: str, kwargs=KWARGS, output=OUTPUT,
        dkwargs=DKWARGS, print_prompt: bool = None, rembg: bool = None):
    """Generate and show 4 sample images for prompt"""
    kwargs["prompt"] = concat_prompt(prompt)
    if print_prompt:
    kwargs["save_name"] = save_name
    if not (output / "images" / f'{kwargs["save_name"]}.png').exists():
        if rembg:
    imgs = list((output / "images").glob(f'{kwargs["save_name"]}*'))
    tools.image_grid(imgs, **dkwargs)
In [26]:
generate_samples("(thought bubble of Grosser Garten, Palais, Nature)", save_name="test_image_palais_bubble")
No description has been provided for this image

or maybe icon?

In [27]:
generate_samples("(A map icon of Grosser Garten, Palais, Nature)", save_name="test_image_palais_icon")
No description has been provided for this image

Let's keep A map icon of as the pre-prompt.

Some more tests for other tags and terms

In [28]:
generate_samples("(A map icon of Botanischergarten), flower, grün, 🌵 🌿 🌱", save_name="test_image_botan_icon")
No description has been provided for this image
In [29]:
generate_samples("(A map icon of Gläsernemanufaktur), volkswagen, building", save_name="test_image_vw_icon")
No description has been provided for this image
In [30]:
generate_samples("(A map icon of zoo), zoodresden, animals", save_name="test_image_zoo_icon")
No description has been provided for this image
In [31]:
generate_samples("(A map icon of fussball stadion), dynamo, stadion", save_name="test_image_fussball_icon")
No description has been provided for this image
In [32]:
generate_samples("(people 🏃), activity", save_name="test_image_running_activity")
No description has been provided for this image

Enough tests. Now, we can move to collecting tag and emoji clusters and move on to batch generation.

Process clustered data

The overall workflow looks like this:

  1. Find all clusters above a weight of x
  2. Walk through clusters, get cluster centroid
  3. Select all other cluster-shapes that can be found at this location
  4. Concat prompt based on ascending importance
  5. Generate image, remove background, save
  6. Create Mapnik Stylesheet to place images as either symbols or raster images
  7. Render map
  8. (Adjust parameters and repeat, until map quality is acceptable)
In [33]:
data_src = Path(INPUT / "shapefiles_gg" / "allTagCluster.shp")
In [34]:
gdf = gp.read_file(INPUT / "shapefiles_gg" / "allTagCluster.shp", encoding='utf-8')
In [35]:
def sel_cluster(gdf: gp.GeoDataFrame, min_weight: int) -> gp.GeoSeries:
    """Return GeoSeries of Clusters above min_weight"""
    with, encoding='UTF-8', mode="r") as shapefile:
        for feature in shapefile:
            properties = feature["properties"]
            if properties["HImpTag"] == 1 and properties["ImpTag"] == feature_name.lower():
                bounds = shape(feature["geometry"]).bounds
                if add_buffer:
                    bounds = add_buffer_bbox(bounds, buffer = add_buffer)
                return bounds
In [36]:

Reproject raster

In [37]:
CPU times: user 723 ms, sys: 60.8 ms, total: 784 ms
Wall time: 782 ms
In [38]:
basemap ="{OUTPUT_MAPS}/grossergarten_carto_17_proj.tif")

bbox_map = gdf.total_bounds.squeeze()
minx, miny = bbox_map[0], bbox_map[1]
maxx, maxy = bbox_map[2], bbox_map[3]
x_lim=(minx, maxx)
y_lim=(miny, maxy)

Plot all cluster shapes

In [39]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)), ax=ax)
gdf.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='red', linewidth=0.1)
No description has been provided for this image

Plot only cluster shapes above a certain weight

In [40]:
cluster_sel = gdf[gdf["Weights"]>300]
In [41]:
def plot_clustermap(cluster_sel: gp.GeoDataFrame, basemap: rio.DatasetReader, label: bool = None):
    """Plot a map with clusters, basemap, and cluster labels"""
    if label is None:
        label = True
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 10)), ax=ax)
    cluster_sel.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', cmap=cmap, linewidth=1)
    if label:
            gdf=cluster_sel, ax=ax,
            text_col="ImpTag", arrowstyle='-', arrow_col='black', fontsize=10,
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        # Ignore emoji "Variation-Selector" not found in font
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning)
In [42]:
plot_clustermap(cluster_sel=cluster_sel, basemap=basemap)
No description has been provided for this image

There are several clusters visible. On the upper left, we can see the Dynamo Dresden stadium. Several tag and emoji cluster shapes are can be found at in this area. There is also a big shape covering the Großer Garten. Two smaller shapes can be found hovering the Dresden Zoo and the Gläserne Manufaktur.

Process Emoji

We start with processing emoji. This seems like the easier part, since emoji are already highly abstracted concepts that can convey many meanings in a simplified form.

Some emoji, however, are very generic and used for arbitrary context. We use a broad positive filter list with 693 emoji (out of about 2000 available) to focus on specific activity and environment emoji.

In [45]:
emoji_filter_list = pd.read_csv(
    INPUT / 'SelectionList_EmojiLandscapePlanning.txt', header=None, names=["emoji"], encoding="utf-8", on_bad_lines='skip')
emoji_filter_list = emoji_filter_list.set_index("emoji").index
In [49]:
Index(['🌊', '🌅', '🍻', '🎡', '📸', '🎢', '🎶', '💪', '📷', '🐶', '🍁', '🍂', '🌸', '💦',
       '👭', '🍀', '🏖', '👫', '🎈', '🍃'],
      dtype='object', name='emoji')
In [50]:
cluster_sel = gdf[(gdf["Weights"]>100) & (gdf["emoji"]==1) & (gdf["ImpTag"].isin(emoji_filter_list))].copy()
In [51]:
plot_clustermap(cluster_sel=cluster_sel, basemap=basemap)
No description has been provided for this image

We can see four spatial groups of emoji clusters, the football stadium (upper left), the Zoo (below), the botanical garden (upper group) and the Junge Garde (lower right), an outdoor music venue.

Concat emoji based on cluster group/spatial intersection

In [52]:
intersects = cluster_sel.sjoin(cluster_sel[["geometry"]], how="left", predicate="intersects").reset_index()
cluster_groups = intersects.dissolve("index_right", aggfunc="min")

Join back the group-id's

In [53]:
cluster_sel["group"] = cluster_groups["index"]
In [54]:
cluster_lists = cluster_sel.groupby("group")["ImpTag"].apply(list)
In [55]:
1     [⚽, 💪, 🍻, 💪🏻, 🏈, 🏃, 💪🏼, 🏆, 📸]
26                        [🌵, 🌿, 🌱]
62                     [🐒, 🦁, 🐘, 🐨]
71                              [🎶]
Name: ImpTag, dtype: object

Generate images for cluster-groups

In [56]:
emoji_cluster_1 = list(cluster_sel[cluster_sel["group"]==1]["ImpTag"])
['⚽', '💪', '🍻', '💪🏻', '🏈', '🏃', '💪🏼', '🏆', '📸']

Generate sample images for clusters

In [57]:
for ix, cluster_list in enumerate(cluster_lists):
        f"A map icon of happy ({cluster_list[0]}), {''.join(cluster_list[1:])}", save_name=f"emoji_{ix:03d}", rembg=True)
['⚽', '💪', '🍻', '💪🏻', '🏈', '🏃', '💪🏼', '🏆', '📸']
['🌵', '🌿', '🌱']
['🐒', '🦁', '🐘', '🐨']
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image

Test placement on map in rasterio

Get bounds of cluster group 1

In [58]:
bounds = cluster_sel[cluster_sel["group"]==1]["geometry"].total_bounds
In [67]:
in_img = OUTPUT / "images" / "000.png"
out_img = OUTPUT / "images_gis" / "000_geo.png"

Convert to GeoPng to place cluster on the map

In [68]:
    raster_out=out_img, bbox=bounds, crs_out=CRS_PROJ)

Preview in rasterio

In [69]:
cluster_raster =
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4)), ax=ax), ax=ax, alpha=0.5)
No description has been provided for this image

TODO: Display image with alpha channel in rio, e.g. ^1

Conclusion: placement as raster is too complicated. Instead, we will use the symbol point renderer to place and scale symbols with Mapnik.

Create shapefile and Mapnik stylesheet

In order to place multiple images on the map, we create a shapefile with features cluster_groups as points. For each point, we add a column with the [reference] to its generated image and a [scale], to emphasize weights.

TODO: Maybe use GroupSymbolizer?

Use Geopandas to write gdf to point shapefile

In [70]:
df = cluster_lists.to_frame()
In [71]:
group ImpTag
0 1 [⚽, 💪, 🍻, 💪🏻, 🏈, 🏃, 💪🏼, 🏆, 📸]
1 26 [🌵, 🌿, 🌱]
2 62 [🐒, 🦁, 🐘, 🐨]
3 71 [🎶]

Prepare conversion to geodataframe

Two options here:

  • use centroid for symbol placement
  • or use dissolved geometry [x]
In [72]:
def cluster_id(row):
def centroid_geom(row, cluster_sel):
    return cluster_sel[cluster_sel["group"] ==]["geometry"].to_frame().dissolve().centroid

def bounds_geom(row, cluster_sel):
    return cluster_sel[cluster_sel["group"] ==]["geometry"].to_frame().dissolve().geometry
df["cluster_id"] = df.apply(cluster_id, axis=1)
df["geometry"] = df.apply(bounds_geom, axis=1, cluster_sel=cluster_sel)
df["ImpTag"] =' '.join)
In [73]:
group ImpTag cluster_id geometry
0 1 ⚽ 💪 🍻 💪🏻 🏈 🏃 💪🏼 🏆 📸 0 POLYGON ((412166.430 5655287.283, 412186.390 5...
1 26 🌵 🌿 🌱 1 POLYGON ((412853.641 5655338.984, 412854.179 5...
2 62 🐒 🦁 🐘 🐨 2 POLYGON ((412539.530 5654672.537, 412534.747 5...
3 71 🎶 3 POLYGON ((413836.501 5654093.424, 413822.028 5...
In [74]:
gdf = gp.GeoDataFrame(df, crs=CRS_PROJ, geometry=df.geometry)
gdf.to_file(filename=INPUT / 'shapefiles_gg' / 'gen_img.shp', driver="ESRI Shapefile")

Prepare Mapnik Plot

Copy generated images to input path for mapnik

In [75]:
def _copy_generated_tomapnik(
        input_path: Path = OUTPUT / "images", output_path: Path = INPUT / "cluster_img", batch: int = None, emoji: bool = None):
    """Copy files from image gen folder to mapnik plot folder, rename to standard"""
    if batch is None:
        batch = 0
    cluster_img = []
    emoji_pre = ""
    if emoji:
        emoji_pre= "emoji_"
    for fname in input_path.glob(f"{emoji_pre}*.png"):
        if batch == 0:
            if re.match(rf"{emoji_pre}[0-9][0-9][0-9].png",
            if re.match(f"[0-9][0-9][0-9]_{batch:02}.png",
    print(f'Copied {len(cluster_img)} files.')
    for file in cluster_img:
        shutil.copy(file, output_path /, "").replace(f"_{batch:02}", ""))
In [78]:
Copied 4 files.
In [79]:
output_name = "tagmap_production_cluster_gg_emoji.png"
stylesheet = "tagmap_production_testraster_points_gg_emoji.xml"
In [80]:
!/usr/bin/python3 -m mapnik_cli \
    --stylesheet_name {stylesheet} \
    --output_name {output_name} \
    --map_dimensiony_x 1000 \
    --map_dimensiony_y 1000 \
    --input_path {INPUT} \
    --output_path {OUTPUT}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 197, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 87, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/mapnik_cli/mapnik_cli/", line 37, in <module>
  File "/mapnik_cli/mapnik_cli/", line 27, in main
    mapnik.load_map(m, str(Path(cfg.input_path / cfg.stylesheet_name)))
RuntimeError: file could not be found: '/home/jovyan/work/mapnik_stablediffusion/input/cluster_img_tags/000.png' in style 'cluster-tag-genai' in PointSymbolizer at line 66 of '/home/jovyan/work/mapnik_stablediffusion/input/tagmap_production_testraster_points_gg_emoji.xml'
CPU times: user 4.69 ms, sys: 48.7 ms, total: 53.4 ms
Wall time: 1.13 s
In [77]:
No description has been provided for this image

Process Tags

For processing tags, there are several additional challenges (compare image below):

  • some clusters have a large number of tags (e.g. Dynamo Dresdne Stadium, on the left)
  • some clusters have diverging concepts (e.g. rammsteinlive and football at the same location)
  • one cluster covers a large area (Großer Garten), which includes other smaller clusters (Junge Garde, Botanischer Garten)

The workflow below tries to solve these issues:

  • first, select the largest cluster, area-wise; this will be our "background" prompt ("Großer Garten") that we can add to all smaller clusters in the area
  • select only a number of tags from clusters with many tags (e.g. Dynamo Dresden Stadium)
  • try to select recursively clusters that cover different areas, so that we can get an even coverage, filling gaps in the map
  • (identify similarity of concepts based on NLP/BART/Cosine Similarity and generate separate images for different concepts)


In [81]:
In [82]:
gdf = gp.read_file(INPUT / "shapefiles_gg" / "allTagCluster.shp", encoding='utf-8')

cluster_sel = gdf[(gdf["Weights"]>CLUSTER_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) & (gdf["emoji"]==0)].copy()

Get preview (limit to >100 weights)

In [83]:
plot_clustermap(cluster_sel=cluster_sel[cluster_sel["Weights"]>100], basemap=basemap)
No description has been provided for this image

Get preview (limit to <=100 weights)

In [84]:
plot_clustermap(cluster_sel=cluster_sel[cluster_sel["Weights"]<=100], basemap=basemap, label=False)
No description has been provided for this image

ToDo: Spatial separation of clusters

As is visible, many cluster shapes can be found in few dense areas, overlapping each other. For our map, we want a possibly maxmimum of coverage, without overlapping symbols. For this, we first dissolve all cluster shapes into a single MultiPolygon and then separate areas that do not touch.

In [85]:
gdf["area"] = gdf.geometry.area / 1000
In [86]:
In [87]:
In [88]:
import mapclassify as mc
def get_scheme_breaks(series_nan: pd.Series, scheme: str = None):
    """Classify series of values
    Notes: some classification schemes (e.g. HeadTailBreaks)
        do not support specifying the number of classes returned
        construct optional kwargs with k == number of classes
    optional_kwargs = {"k":9}
    if scheme is None:
        scheme = "NaturalBreaks"
    if scheme == "HeadTailBreaks":
        optional_kwargs = {}
    scheme_breaks = mc.classify(
        y=np.abs(series_nan.values), scheme=scheme, **optional_kwargs)
    return scheme_breaks
In [89]:
breaks = get_scheme_breaks(gdf["area"], scheme="HeadTailBreaks")
In [90]:
bins = np.flip(breaks.bins[:-1])
In [91]:
array([2064.10384691, 1743.28175478, 1049.06408188,  413.11115637,
        130.45049109,   52.03500257,   19.53215571,    7.34789744])
In [92]:
In [93]:
Join_Count Views COUNT_User ImpTag TagCountG HImpTag Weights WeightsV2 WeightsV3 emoji geometry area
11 2070 395179 873 garten 180 1 356.005051 502.799194 1000.0 0 POLYGON ((412138.621 5654816.052, 412129.875 5... 2293.772866
In [94]:
cmap = tools.get_cmap(len(bins), 'Paired')
In [95]:
SUBPLOTS = len(bins)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=int(round(SUBPLOTS/4)), ncols=4, figsize=(8, 4))
for ix, ax in enumerate(axes.reshape(-1)):
    if ix >= SUBPLOTS:
    if ix >= len(bins)-1:
        mask = (gdf["area"]<=bins[ix])
        mask = (gdf["area"]>=bins[ix+1]) & (gdf["area"]<=bins[ix])
    gdf[mask].plot(facecolor='none', edgecolor=cmap(ix), ax=ax)
No description has been provided for this image

Spatial Cluster Merge

  1. Select top-cluster based on area/coverage/percentage
  2. Go through each level and select clusters based on distinct areas;
  3. Exclude previous cluster areas (except top-level) from the follow-up levels
  4. until all levels are processed and a maximum coverage is achieved.

Process Top-Cluster

in m²

In [96]:
cluster_sel["area"] = cluster_sel.area * 0.001
cluster_sel.sort_values("area", ascending=False).head()
Join_Count Views COUNT_User ImpTag TagCountG HImpTag Weights WeightsV2 WeightsV3 emoji geometry area
11 2070 395179 873 garten 180 1 356.005051 502.799194 1000.000000 0 POLYGON ((412138.621 5654816.052, 412129.875 5... 2293.772866
641 874 285012 112 grosergarten 117 1 26.160288 65.377445 652.170310 0 POLYGON ((412481.210 5655490.237, 412498.156 5... 1834.434828
82 830 129065 300 großer 31 1 114.133745 173.439586 635.712462 0 POLYGON ((412781.017 5655281.688, 412788.698 5... 1630.357989
76 736 149270 295 park 321 1 118.169352 170.565593 599.020796 0 POLYGON ((413391.976 5655282.814, 413392.946 5... 1214.561336
51 357 173653 279 garden 233 1 155.863724 161.368815 419.158162 0 POLYGON ((412680.698 5655566.619, 412675.251 5... 599.498009

Our whole area is:

In [97]:
total_area = cluster_sel["geometry"].to_frame().dissolve().area[0] * 0.001

Calculate percentage for all cluster areas of the total area, and filter all clusters above a certain percentage.

In [98]:
cluster_sel["percs"] = cluster_sel.sort_values("area", ascending=False)["area"] / (total_area/100)
In [99]:
cluster_sel.sort_values("area", ascending=False)["percs"][:10]
11      83.246966
641     66.576397
82      59.169919
76      44.079581
51      21.757337
249     18.162850
426     17.846108
1706    15.524580
114     10.626592
1061     8.883660
Name: percs, dtype: float64

We can see there is a gap between the fourth cluster (garden) and the fifth (zoo). We use 20% as the cutoff value.

In [100]:
top_cluster_mask = cluster_sel["percs"] >= 20 
In [101]:
0       False
4       False
5       False
9       False
11       True
2037    False
2038    False
2039    False
2040    False
2041    False
Name: percs, Length: 1145, dtype: bool
In [102]:
plot_clustermap(cluster_sel=cluster_sel[top_cluster_mask], basemap=basemap)
No description has been provided for this image

Get Cluster Groups

Below, we use a simple approach to best-coverage, by first selecting the top cluster, and then selecting a limited number of non-intersecting cluster areas afterwards.

In [103]:
def get_cluster_groups(gdf: gp.GeoDataFrame) -> gp.GeoSeries:
    """Get cluster groups based on spatial self-intersection,
    and return list of tags/emoji sorted by ascending importance
    intersects = gdf.sjoin(
        gdf[["geometry"]], how="left", predicate="intersects"
    cluster_groups = intersects.dissolve("index_right", aggfunc="min")
    cluster_sel["group"] = cluster_groups["index"]
    cluster_lists = cluster_sel.groupby("group")["ImpTag"].apply(list)
    return cluster_lists
In [104]:
top_cluster_group = get_cluster_groups(cluster_sel[cluster_sel["percs"] >= 20])
top_cluster_geom = cluster_sel[cluster_sel["percs"] >= 20]["geometry"].to_frame().dissolve().geometry[0]
In [105]:
11.0    [garten, garden, park, großer, grosergarten]
Name: ImpTag, dtype: object
In [106]:
other_cluster_groups = get_cluster_groups(cluster_sel[cluster_sel["percs"] < 20])
In [107]:
0.0       [dynamo, rammstein, stadion, football, fussbal...
9.0       [zoo, zoodresden, animals, love, nature, flami...
15.0      [volkswagen, manufaktur, gläsernemanufaktur, f...
19.0      [jungegarde, konzert, concert, annenmaykantere...
21.0      [großergarten, palais, nature, palaisteich, gr...
22.0                                               [winter]
24.0      [art, exhibition, architecture, skatepark, aus...
73.0                                                [natur]
114.0             [großergarten, brunnen, mosaik, fountain]
119.0     [carolaschlösschen, großergarten, nature, love...
195.0     [parkeisenbahn, großergarten, park, parkeisenb...
250.0     [travel, love, oldtown, дрезден, town, beautif...
254.0     [breakfast, milchmädchen, frühstück, cafemilch...
426.0                                          [volkswagen]
743.0                                            [strehlen]
837.0           [großergarten, nature, love, grossergarten]
861.0     [nature, travel, hiking, saxonyswitzerland, be...
1243.0                                    [estancia, steak]
1957.0                                              [party]
Name: ImpTag, dtype: object

Concat the two series

In [108]:
cluster_groups = pd.concat([top_cluster_group, other_cluster_groups])
In [109]:
11.0           [garten, garden, park, großer, grosergarten]
0.0       [dynamo, rammstein, stadion, football, fussbal...
9.0       [zoo, zoodresden, animals, love, nature, flami...
15.0      [volkswagen, manufaktur, gläsernemanufaktur, f...
19.0      [jungegarde, konzert, concert, annenmaykantere...
21.0      [großergarten, palais, nature, palaisteich, gr...
22.0                                               [winter]
24.0      [art, exhibition, architecture, skatepark, aus...
73.0                                                [natur]
114.0             [großergarten, brunnen, mosaik, fountain]
119.0     [carolaschlösschen, großergarten, nature, love...
195.0     [parkeisenbahn, großergarten, park, parkeisenb...
250.0     [travel, love, oldtown, дрезден, town, beautif...
254.0     [breakfast, milchmädchen, frühstück, cafemilch...
426.0                                          [volkswagen]
743.0                                            [strehlen]
837.0           [großergarten, nature, love, grossergarten]
861.0     [nature, travel, hiking, saxonyswitzerland, be...
1243.0                                    [estancia, steak]
1957.0                                              [party]
Name: ImpTag, dtype: object

Semantic Cluster Split

Sometimes terms and emoji that refer to very different thematic contexts appear in the same cluster group. We want to split these clusters up, to generate two images for the different context.

Below, we use a fixed threshold (0.3) for the cosine angle of the dot product of term and emoji vectors to separate these different meanings into different cluster groups, allowing for the generation of different icons for semantically distinct meanings.

We first need to install an additional dependency temprarily in our environment: Gensim - Topic Modelling for Humans

In [110]:
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
In [111]:
!../py/modules/base/ "gensim"
gensim already installed.
In [112]:
import gensim
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity


A training dataset was produced based on all geosocial media data in Dresden.

Load the pretrained Word2Vec model.

In [114]:
model_path = INPUT / "language_model" / "word2vec_25012021.model"
word2vec_model = gensim.models.Word2Vec.load(str(model_path))

Test the computation of cos_similarity matrix for a list of words

Compute Word2Vec embeddings for each word in the list

In [115]:
word_list = ['dynamo', 'stadion', 'rammstein']
word_vectors = []
for word in word_list:
        word_vector = word2vec_model.wv[word]
    except KeyError:
        print(f"Warning: '{word}' is not in the vocabulary.")

# Calculate cosine similarity matrix between word vectors
cosine_similarity_matrix = cosine_similarity(word_vectors, word_vectors)
array([[0.9999997 , 0.5853361 , 0.3196498 ],
       [0.5853361 , 1.0000005 , 0.39918002],
       [0.3196498 , 0.39918002, 0.9999998 ]], dtype=float32)

Visualize Matrix

List of lists of words

In [116]:
word_list = ['dynamo', 'rammstein', 'stadion','fußball','football']

word_vectors = []
for word in word_list:
        word_vector = word2vec_model.wv[word]
    except KeyError:
        print(f"Warning: '{word}' is not in the vocabulary.")

Calculate cosine similarity using Scikit-Learn's cosine_similarity

In [117]:
cosine_similarity_matrix = cosine_similarity(word_vectors, word_vectors)

Create a heatmap to visualize the cosine similarity matrix

  1. Define a custom colormap (you can choose or create your own)
In [118]:
custom_cmap = sns.color_palette("coolwarm", as_cmap=True)
  1. Create a heatmap with the custom colormap
In [119]:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
heatmap = sns.heatmap(cosine_similarity_matrix, annot=True, xticklabels=word_list, yticklabels=word_list, cmap=custom_cmap)
plt.title("Cosine Similarity between Words")
No description has been provided for this image

Outlier Detection

We use the sklearn.cluster's AgglomerativeClustering method for hierarchical clustering to detect the main cluster contain the majority of words representing the main semantic field. Its a buttom up approach which begins with each data point as its own cluster and then iteratively merges the closest pairs of clusters (in our case the one with the min average distance between each observation of the two sets) into a single cluster until a stopping criterion is met (the threshold for the cosine_similarity measure).

In [120]:
def find_semantic_outliers(word_list, cosine_threshold=0.3, printwarnings: bool = None):
    """Find semantic outliers in a list of words based on cosine_threshold"""
    if printwarnings is None:
        printwarnings = False
    # Compute Word2Vec embeddings for each word in the list
    word_vectors = []
    for word in word_list:
            word_vector = word2vec_model.wv[word]
        except KeyError:
            if printwarnings:
                print(f"Warning: '{word}' is not in the vocabulary.")

    # Calculate cosine similarity matrix between word vectors
    cosine_similarity_matrix = cosine_similarity(
        word_vectors, word_vectors)

    # Perform agglomerative clustering
    clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(
        n_clusters=None, affinity='precomputed', linkage='average', 
    # Find the cluster with the most words
    unique_clusters, cluster_counts = np.unique(
        clustering.labels_, return_counts=True)
    main_cluster = unique_clusters[np.argmax(cluster_counts)]

    # Identify potential outliers in other clusters
    outliers = [
        word_list[i] for i, label in enumerate(clustering.labels_)
        if label != main_cluster]

    return outliers

Test with list of lists of words

In [121]:
w_list = [['garten', 'garden', 'park'], ['dynamo', 'rammstein','stadion','fussball','football'], ['zoo', 'zoodresden', 'animals'],
          ['volkswagen', 'manufaktur', 'gläsernemanufaktur'], ['jungegarde', 'annenmaykantereidt', 'jungegardedresden'],
          ['palais', 'palaisteich', 'palace'], ['exhibition', 'skatepark', 'ausstellung'], ['brunnen', 'mosaik'],
          ['carolaschlösschen','schwan','nature','love', 'afterwork'], ['parkeisenbahndresden', 'train'],
          ['oldtown', 'town', 'prague'], ['breakfast', 'milchmädchen', 'frühstück'], 
          ['estancia', 'steak']]

Iterate through the list of lists and detect semantic outliers for each sublist

In [122]:
for idx, word_sublist in enumerate(w_list):
    print(f"List {idx + 1}: {word_sublist}")
    if len(word_sublist) < 3: 
        print("Not enough words to perfom clustering")
        outliers = find_semantic_outliers(word_sublist, printwarnings=True)
        print("Outliers:", outliers)
List 1: ['garten', 'garden', 'park']
Outliers: []

List 2: ['dynamo', 'rammstein', 'stadion', 'fussball', 'football']
Outliers: ['rammstein']

List 3: ['zoo', 'zoodresden', 'animals']
Outliers: []

List 4: ['volkswagen', 'manufaktur', 'gläsernemanufaktur']
Outliers: []

List 5: ['jungegarde', 'annenmaykantereidt', 'jungegardedresden']
Warning: 'annenmaykantereidt' is not in the vocabulary.
Outliers: []

List 6: ['palais', 'palaisteich', 'palace']
Outliers: []

List 7: ['exhibition', 'skatepark', 'ausstellung']
Outliers: ['skatepark']

List 8: ['brunnen', 'mosaik']
Not enough words to perfom clustering
List 9: ['carolaschlösschen', 'schwan', 'nature', 'love', 'afterwork']
Outliers: ['schwan', 'nature', 'love']

List 10: ['parkeisenbahndresden', 'train']
Not enough words to perfom clustering
List 11: ['oldtown', 'town', 'prague']
Outliers: ['prague']

List 12: ['breakfast', 'milchmädchen', 'frühstück']
Outliers: []

List 13: ['estancia', 'steak']
Not enough words to perfom clustering

Apply outlier detection to split subject prompts

For the actual application to our social media derived lists, we use the first 7 terms for outlier detection. Otherwise, there is too much noise from unrelated words used by a small minority of users.

In [123]:
N_TERMS: int = 7 # fixed limit of input terms for the outlier detection function
C_THRESHOLD: float = 0.3 # fixed cosine threshold
In [124]:
cluster_groups_semantic = cluster_groups.copy()
In [125]:
def split_semantic_outliers(
        cluster_groups: pd.Series, n_terms: int = N_TERMS,
        c_threshold = C_THRESHOLD, report: bool = None) -> pd.Series:
    Split semantic outliers into separate cluster groups;
    return new updated Series that contains both
    d = {}
    for idx, cluster_group in cluster_groups.items():
        if report:
            print(f"List {idx + 1}: {cluster_group[:n_terms]}")
        if len(cluster_group) < 3: 
            d[idx] = cluster_group
        outliers = find_semantic_outliers(cluster_group[:n_terms], cosine_threshold=c_threshold)
        if not outliers:
            d[idx] = cluster_group
        words_excl_outlier = [term for term in cluster_group if not term in outliers]
        d[idx] = words_excl_outlier
        # provide new idx as offset, 
        # so we can later derive mthe matching cluster geom
        d[idx+10000] = outliers[:n_terms]
        if report:
            print("Outliers:", outliers[:n_terms])
    series = pd.Series(d)
    series.rename_axis('group', inplace=True)
    series.rename("ImpTag", inplace=True)
    return series
In [126]:
cluster_groups_semantic = split_semantic_outliers(cluster_groups=cluster_groups_semantic, report=False)
In [127]:
11.0            [garten, garden, park, großer, grosergarten]
0.0        [dynamo, stadion, football, fussball, bundesli...
10000.0                         [rammstein, museum, konzert]
9.0        [zoo, zoodresden, animals, flamingo, giraffe, ...
10009.0                                       [love, nature]
15.0       [volkswagen, manufaktur, gläsernemanufaktur, f...
10015.0                                  [botanischergarten]
19.0       [jungegarde, konzert, concert, annenmaykantere...
21.0       [großergarten, palais, palaisteich, grossergar...
10021.0                               [nature, love, palace]
22.0                                                [winter]
24.0       [art, architecture, lingnerallee, travel, old,...
10024.0    [exhibition, skatepark, ausstellung, friends, ...
73.0                                                 [natur]
114.0                            [brunnen, mosaik, fountain]
10114.0                                       [großergarten]
119.0      [carolaschlösschen, großergarten, grossergarte...
10119.0                    [nature, love, afterwork, summer]
195.0      [parkeisenbahn, großergarten, park, parkeisenb...
10195.0                                              [train]
250.0      [travel, oldtown, town, fun, trip, today, week...
10250.0                   [love, дрезден, beautiful, prague]
254.0      [breakfast, milchmädchen, frühstück, cafemilch...
10254.0                                     [hotel, friends]
426.0                                           [volkswagen]
743.0                                             [strehlen]
837.0                          [großergarten, grossergarten]
10837.0                                       [nature, love]
861.0                [nature, travel, beautiful, trip, view]
10861.0                          [hiking, saxonyswitzerland]
1243.0                                     [estancia, steak]
1957.0                                               [party]
Name: ImpTag, dtype: object

Prompt Preparation

There are some final cleanup & preparation steps necessary before image generation.

  1. Some tags repeat at lower cluster groups (e.g. "großergarten"; we want to remove these, to make space for more specific terms)
  2. Limit to the first n items in each list; n=3. Stable diffusion will not be able to process much more context variety in a single prompt.
In [128]:
def pop_recursive(cluster_groups: pd.Series, lim_terms: int = 3) -> pd.Series:
    """Remove recursive terms that repeat at lower levels; return new Series
    Further, limit to the list of terms per cluster to n items; n=3
    terms = set()
    d = {}
    for idx, cluster_group in cluster_groups.items():
        # if len(cluster_group) == 1:
        #    continue
        new_words = [term for term in cluster_group if not term in terms]
        if len(new_words) > 0:
            d[idx] = new_words[:lim_terms]
    series = pd.Series(d)
    series.rename_axis('group', inplace=True)
    series.rename("ImpTag", inplace=True)
    # series.sort_index(inplace=True)
    return series
In [129]:
cleaned_groups = pop_recursive(cluster_groups_semantic)

Pop two cluster from a wrongly georeferenced Instagram place:

In [130]:

Merge two clusters wrongly split clusters:

In [131]:
cleaned_groups[195.0] = cleaned_groups[195.0] + cleaned_groups[10195.0]

This is the list of prompts prepared for Stable Diffusion. Every group ID > 10000 is a colleciton of semantic outliers. These are scaled smaller on the map, due to lower prevalence.

In [133]:
11.0                                  [garten, garden, park]
0.0                              [dynamo, stadion, football]
10000.0                         [rammstein, museum, konzert]
9.0                               [zoo, zoodresden, animals]
15.0            [volkswagen, manufaktur, gläsernemanufaktur]
10015.0                                  [botanischergarten]
19.0       [jungegarde, annenmaykantereit, jungegardedres...
21.0                           [palais, palaisteich, sunset]
10021.0                                             [palace]
24.0                         [lingnerallee, skate, robotron]
10024.0                 [exhibition, skatepark, ausstellung]
114.0                                      [brunnen, mosaik]
119.0                    [carolaschlösschen, schwan, lecker]
10119.0                                          [afterwork]
195.0                          [parkeisenbahndresden, train]
250.0                                [oldtown, town, bridge]
254.0                   [breakfast, milchmädchen, frühstück]
10254.0                                              [hotel]
743.0                                             [strehlen]
1243.0                                     [estancia, steak]
Name: ImpTag, dtype: object
In [169]:
from shapely.geometry.point import Point
from IPython.display import display as ipydisplay

def get_scale(geom_series: pd.Series, min_scale: float = 0.2, max_scale: float = 0.4) -> List[str]:
    """Get Scale (e.g. 0.2,0.2) for Mapnik Symbol Placement from cluster area
    1. Take the Minimum cluster area
    2. Take the Maximum cluster area
    3. Create scale interpolation of values between min (default: 0.1) and max (default: 0.6)
    areas = geom_series.area
    series_max = areas.max()
    series_min = areas.min()
    series_interp = np.interp(
        areas, (series_min, series_max), (min_scale, max_scale))
    # format for Mapnik and return
    # return [f'{x:.2},{x:.2}' for x in series_interp]
    return series_interp
def offset_points(points: List[Point]):
    """Try to minimize overlap by offsetting points a limited number of times
    TODO: Not yet implemented; ideally look into adjustText and how this is
    solved with bioframe.core.arrops.overlap_intervals()
    for pt in points:
        distance_between_pts = points[0].distance(pt)
def offset_points_manual(points: List[Point]):
    # garden, top cluster geom
    points[0] = Point(points[0].x-50, points[0].y+100)
    # stadium
    points[1] = Point(points[1].x-500, points[1].y)
    # rammstein
    points[2] = Point(points[2].x-750, points[2].y+250)
    # zoo
    points[3] = Point(points[3].x-300, points[3].y)
    # vw
    points[4] = Point(points[4].x-150, points[4].y+100)
    # botanical garden
    points[5] = Point(points[5].x+100, points[5].y+150)
    # palais
    points[7] = Point(points[7].x, points[7].y)
    # palace
    points[8] = Point(points[8].x, points[8].y+100)
    # robotron
    points[9] = Point(points[9].x+100, points[9].y-100)
    # skatepark
    points[10] = Point(points[10].x-150, points[10].y)
    # schwan
    points[12] = Point(points[12].x+100, points[12].y)
    # train
    points[13] = Point(points[13].x, points[13].y-300)
    # train
    points[14] = Point(points[14].x, points[14].y+300)
    # old town
    points[15] = Point(points[15].x-150, points[15].y+150)
    # hotel
    points[17] = Point(points[17].x+200, points[17].y)
    return points

def bounds_geom_match(row, cluster_sel):
    geom = cluster_sel[cluster_sel["group"] ==]["geometry"]
    if >= 10000:
        geom = cluster_sel[cluster_sel["group"] ==]["geometry"]
    return geom.to_frame().dissolve().geometry
def create_clustergroups_shape(
        cluster_series: pd.Series, top_cluster_geom: "Point", cluster_gdf: gp.GeoDataFrame = cluster_sel,
        output_folder: Path = None, crs_proj: str = CRS_PROJ, input: Path = INPUT):
    """Prepare cluster shapefile for Mapnik, store to output_folder"""
    if output_folder is None:
        output_folder = input / 'shapefiles_gg'
    df = cluster_series.to_frame()
    df["cluster_id"] = df.apply(cluster_id, axis=1)
    # retrieve cluster geometry
    df["geometry"] = df.apply(bounds_geom_match, axis=1, cluster_sel=cluster_gdf)
    # update top cluster geom
    df["geometry"][0] = top_cluster_geom
    df["ImpTag"] =' '.join)
    gdf = gp.GeoDataFrame(df, crs=crs_proj, geometry=df.geometry)
    gdf["scale"] = get_scale(gdf.geometry)
    # use point for symbol placement, as Mapnik will assume centroid of polygons anyway
    gdf["geometry"] = [geom.centroid for geom in df["geometry"]]
    gdf["geometry"] = offset_points_manual(gdf["geometry"])
    gdf.to_file(filename = output_folder / 'gen_img_tags.shp', driver="ESRI Shapefile", encoding='utf-8')
In [170]:
create_clustergroups_shape(cluster_series=cleaned_groups, top_cluster_geom=top_cluster_geom)

Generate images for clusters

Note: To re-generate images, delete first in output/images

In [189]:
for ix, cluster_list in enumerate(cleaned_groups):
    # pre_prompt = random.choice(["A map icon", "An icon", "A thought bubble"])
    pre_prompt = "A map icon"
        # f"{pre_prompt} of ({', '.join(cluster_list[0:2])}), {''.join(cluster_list[2:])}",
        f"{pre_prompt} of ({', '.join(cluster_list)})",
        save_name=f"{ix:03d}", print_prompt=True)
A map icon of (garten, garden, park),white backgro
A map icon of (dynamo, stadion, football),white ba
A map icon of (rammstein, museum, konzert),white b
A map icon of (zoo, zoodresden, animals),white bac
A map icon of (volkswagen, manufaktur, gläserneman
A map icon of (botanischergarten),white background
A map icon of (jungegarde, annenmaykantereit, jung
A map icon of (palais, palaisteich, sunset),white 
A map icon of (palace),white background,simple out
A map icon of (lingnerallee, skate, robotron),whit
A map icon of (exhibition, skatepark, ausstellung)
A map icon of (brunnen, mosaik),white background,s
A map icon of (carolaschlösschen, schwan, lecker),
A map icon of (afterwork),white background,simple 
A map icon of (parkeisenbahndresden, train),white 
A map icon of (oldtown, town, bridge),white backgr
A map icon of (breakfast, milchmädchen, frühstück)
A map icon of (hotel),white background,simple outl
A map icon of (strehlen),white background,simple o
A map icon of (estancia, steak),white background,s
CPU times: user 2.97 s, sys: 64.1 ms, total: 3.03 s
Wall time: 3.02 s
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image

Map generation

Use batch n=0-3 to select a different image batch for map generation.

In [190]:
_copy_generated_tomapnik(output_path = INPUT / "cluster_img_tags", batch=1)
Copied 20 files.
In [191]:
from rembg import remove, new_session
from PIL import ImageFile

SESSION = new_session(

def remove_background(img: Path, session=SESSION):
    """Remove background from image and overwrite"""
    input =
    output = remove(input, session=session)
In [192]:
for file in (INPUT / "cluster_img_tags").glob('*.png'):

Render map

In [193]:
output_name = "tagmap_production_cluster_gg.png"
stylesheet = "tagmap_production_testraster_points_gg.xml"
In [194]:
!/usr/bin/python3 -m mapnik_cli \
    --stylesheet_name {stylesheet} \
    --output_name {output_name} \
    --map_dimensiony_x 2000 \
    --map_dimensiony_y 2000 \
    --input_path {INPUT} \
    --output_path {OUTPUT}
CPU times: user 22.3 ms, sys: 80.5 ms, total: 103 ms
Wall time: 1.71 s
In [195]:
No description has been provided for this image


The last test is to use a final img2img pass to merge overlaid images with the background and produce a combined images, reducing the overlay effect of icons.

In [174]:
def img2img(
        text, image_path, steps: int = 50, denoising_strength: float = 0.05, 
        api: str = APIURL, output=OUTPUT / "img2img"):
    api_url = f"{api}/sdapi/v1/img2img"
    with open(image_path, 'rb') as file:
        image_data =
    encoded_image = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode('utf-8')
    payload = {
        "init_images": [encoded_image],
        'prompt' : text,
        "steps": steps,
        "denoising_strength": denoising_strength
    response =, json=payload)
    name = 'GENimg2img_'
    for i in range(random.randint(15, 25)):
        name += random.choice('QAZXfrSWEDCVFRTqazxswgbnhyujmkiolpGBNHYUJedcvtMKIOLP')
    if response.status_code == 200:
        response_data = response.json()
        encoded_result = response_data["images"][0]
        result_data = base64.b64decode(encoded_result)
        output_path = output / f'{name}.jpg'
        with open(output_path, 'wb') as file:
        return name
In [180]:
name = img2img("A tourist city map with points of interests, wimmelbild",  image_path=OUTPUT / output_name)
In [181]:
display.Image(OUTPUT / "img2img" / f'{name}.jpg')
No description has been provided for this image

The result here is not convincing. Even using a very small denoising_strength of 0.05 produces a map with distorted icons.

One solution could be to tile the image, and use ControlNet, together with Upscaler, to produce a more fine-grained result.

We cannot use this currently through the API, as ControlNet and Upscaler are extensions, and these extensions are not available through the /sdapi endpoint. Try in the native webui.

Create Release File

Create a release file that contains ipynb notebooks, HTML, figures, svg and python converted files.

Make sure that 7z is available (apt-get install p7zip-full)

In [2]:
!cd .. && git config --system --add '*' \
    && RELEASE_VERSION=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) \
    && 7z a -tzip -mx=9 output/release_$ \
    input/* md/* py/* output/* resources/* notebooks/*.ipynb \ jupytext.toml nbconvert.tpl conf.json pyproject.toml \
    -xr!/__pycache__ -xr!.ipynb_checkpoints \
    -y > /dev/null

Create notebook HTML

In [505]:
!jupyter nbconvert --to html_toc \
    --output-dir=../resources/html/ ./03_map_processing.ipynb \
    --template=../nbconvert.tpl \
    --ExtractOutputPreprocessor.enabled=False >&- 2>&-
In [ ]: